Ocean Modeling
The ocean plays a leading role in shaping our climate and weather patterns like precipitation, extreme heat, and cold. Even though the ocean plays a role in everything from the air we breathe to daily weather and climate patterns, we know very little about our ocean. Ocean models are numerical models with a focus on the properties of oceans and their circulation.
Challenges in ocean modelling
IC; BC; Terms; Equations
Sparse and Gappy Data
Intermittent Features
Non-stationary, non-Gaussian statistics.
Nonlinear multiscale ocean dynamics
Tides, Internal waves, river inflow, fronts, eddies, upwelling, etc.
Fig (a). Schematic showing 3D view of ocean grid and color lines showing the observations available in those grid point with respect to depth.
Fig (b). Schematic showing horizontal cross section of ocean and color dots showing the observations available in those grid point.
Development and applications of stochastic and deterministic primitive equation ocean modeling systems. Currently working on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for the Northern Indian Ocean.
ROMS is an open source, free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model solves the conservation of mass and momentum equations.
Schematic showing Andaman Sea domain of Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS).
Multidisciplinary Simulation, Estimation, and Assimilation Systems
Coming soon..